A Mind After Christ- Developing a Willing Mindset

One of the biggest hurdles in parenting is developing a chid’s “Want to.” We have all been there when our littles dig their heals in, stick their chins up, and refuse to budge. Here are some ways to shake that mindset and replace it with a willing attitude:

God designed each of us with our own personalities. This is no different for children of all ages.

When unchecked we are self-absorbed, stubborn, and resistant to change. Oh, but to be molded to a Christlike mindset is our task…

Even as adults, we must break unhealthy life cycles and mindsets contrary to God’s will. We must mold out minds to be willing to act on God’s word. As parents, we have “Double duty.” Now, not only should we practice willingness to God for ourselves, but we must train our children to do the same.

What a task….

Are you up for it?

Like so many other things in life - it’s about balance. We’ve got to foster self-worth without causing self-absorption. Likewise, we’ve got to grow confidence while teaching humbleness. Developing a willing mindset is key in both of these desires.

How to develop a willing mindset:

Model with Intention

We all know that modeling examples of behavior is the number one ticket to out children’s behavior. Have you ever thought about your kids are affected by attitude towards work?

If mom and dad are complaining out loud about their tiresome jobs or unwanted tasks, shouldn’t kids do the same?

A willing mindset comes from thinking and acting positively about doing hard things…. things that may not be your favorite.

Have you ever met someone that is able to turn any task into something fun? They can laugh and smile in the face of negativity? That’s who I want my children to be. I want my children to lift others up around them, to make everyone feel encouraged.

A willingness attitude does just that!

Willingness in contagious. It builds leaders and separates the hard workers from those who act lazy.

We need to be careful with how we are speaking about working situations behind the closed doors of our homes. This is particularly true about church work. If we’re complaining about the long church days or work involved in ministry , we can’t expect our children to grow up aspiring to follow in our footsteps. Why should they want to if they believe it’s making us miserable?

So, smile when it’s not fun. Shake off the lazy outlook and show resilience. Kid’s can and will model this behavior- and it will make them leaders among their peers.

Be Consistent in Word & Deed

In order to develop a willing mindset, kids need to see followthrough.

No-matter how small, kids need us to keep the promises we make to them. What may seem meaningless to us, could mean the world to them. Furthermore, they are looking to us to show them how to live proper morals, standards, and life principles.

If we aren’t keeping our word to them, how can they trust that anything else we are saying matters?

Followthrough builds willing mindsets because people get behind those who take action. Kids are willing to work for us if they know we…

  • will reward them with what we promised,

  • monitor their behavior, task, or project,

  • hold true to the consequence, and

  • are a safe place for them to land when they need help.

Paul’s letter to the church at Ephesus speaks to us about why we should be willing to work for God. Ephesians 2:10 says- For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

In other words, God desires for us to walk in good works. This is because we are a physical manifestation (a living example) of His work. Meaning, we are made in his image and created in Christ Jesus.

When we have a bad attitude about doing our daily tasks, we are actually undermining God’s working power in us. Colossians 3:23-24 says- And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.

So, followthrough with your words, serve God with gladness, and model with intention in the eyes of your kids. You will be develop a willing mindset- a mind like Christ!


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